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Search Results (64)

Camp management toolkit - NRC

The camp management toolkit addresses the technical and the administrative as well as the social aspects of camp managers, camp management teams and camp management agencies. Il does to be exhaustive, and the intention has not been to duplicate or revise existing guidelines or standards, but to compile and complement the existing sectoral guidelines for various assistance and protection, activities in camps. Ultimately, the toolkit is part of a holistic process that aims at covering the full spectrum of camp management activities.

Intimate partner violence on campus-The Response of Connecticut Colleges & Universities

This document presents a survey on Intimate partner violence on campus-The Response of Connecticut Colleges & Universities. This survey was divided into four areas. The first section asked about policies and procedures already in place that relate to IPV and stalking. The second section asked about awareness and prevention activities regarding IPV and stalking at the institution, including who has been educated about IPV and stalking as well as some of the anti-violence events that occur on campus. The next section asked about Residential Life involvement in IPV and stalking, specifically training of resident assistants and hall directors. The last section asks about the institution itself and whether it sees IPV as a problem on their campus. Surveys were administered and analysed via Qualtrics and data was available upon completion. Statistical analyses included computing frequencies for each item.

Changing the culture Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students

This report summarises the evidence considered by the Universities UK Taskforce to examine violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students, and makes a series of recommendations for universities and UUK. These recommendations cover both prevention activities and how universities can respond to these issues more effectively in future. The report includes a number of case studies from individual universities as well as links to key support agencies that can assist students who have experienced violence, harassment or hate crime.

Addressing gender-based violence on college campuses: guide to a comprehensive model

Addressing Gender-Based Violence on College Campuses: Guide to a Comprehensive Model is based on the most up-to-date research and evidenced-based practices for the broad diffusion of community norms and institutional policies and practices related to intervention and prevention on campuses. This guide contains ideas, structures, information, and resources that can help campuses build partnerships to develop and adopt protocols and policies that more effectively treat various forms of gender- based violence (GBV) as serious offenses; ensure survivor safety and offender accountability; and implement comprehensive and culturally relevant prevention strategies. Institutions of higher learning will be equipped with the foundational knowledge necessary to build coordinated community response systems, programs, policies, and practices for effective prevention and intervention strategies that support a safe and healthy educational environment for students.

Charte contre les violences basées sur le genre dans les universités, instituts et établissements d'enseignement supérieur publics et prives au Sénégal

La charte contre les violences basées sur le genre dans les universités, instituts et établissements d'enseignement supérieur publics et prives au Sénégal est élaborée par le ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche afin de promouvoir une communauté consensuelle exempte de la violence basée sur le genre en créant un cadre favorable à l’épanouissement des hommes et des femmes par la participation efficiente aux programmes et activités académiques. Le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur engage toutes les institutions et établissements relevant de son département à discuter en interne et signer le pacte d’éradication des violences basées sur le genre.
