
A whole school approach to prevent school-related gender-based violence: minimum standards and monitoring framework

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Cawtar | 2021-10-21


This document presents a global Guidance on A whole school approach to prevent school-related gender-based violence: minimum standards and monitoring framework. The limitations of data collection and monitoring mechanisms around school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) are widely acknowledged. This guide provides a framework to guide policy makers and practitioners in designing school violence prevention programmes and strengthening response actions. The prevention model is based on eight evidence-based standards and is accompanied by a monitoring approach with a set of proposed indicators at school, district and national levels. The goal is to enable implementation strategies to be adapted and monitored in order to improve data collection and accountability around incidents of SRGBV at the school, district and national levels.


Gender based violence//School related gender-based violence//Violence at school// school violence prevention program