
موضوع : العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي

Search Results (62)

Sexual Harassment and Violence in the University Context-April-2017

Sexual Harassment and Violence in the University Context is the Report from the Task Force on Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Sexual Harassment and Violence (GT-PHS, adopted by the BCI Board of Directors, October 14, 2016. This reference tool is informed by practical experience acquired at Quebec universities; institutions that, over the years, have taken different approaches to making their campuses safer and free of sexual violence. This tool is equally informed by the professional expertise of task force members, some of who have many years of experience in handling this type of misconduct. Finally, it is founded on best practices developed at North American campuses and is inspired by the examination of current research relating to sexual violence. This reference tool provides recommendations and proposes concrete and practical actions for making campuses even safer and more supportive for the people who study and work there.

The Sexual Victimization of College Women

The document presents a Study on the sexual victimization of college women. This study contributes extremely important data to understanding about the prevalence and nature of violence against women in the United States.

Gender Studies Institute, Kabul University With Cooperation of UNDP and UNESCO

This document presents Gender Studies Institute, Kabul University with Cooperation of UNDP and UNESCO. The report highlights the presence of gender-based violence (GBV) in three of Afghanistan’s educational institutes (Universities of Kabul, Balkh and Herat), giving a succinct overview of the prevalence of GBV as well as recommendations to reduce and prevent its occurrence. Gender based violence, and in particular sexual violence, is a serious, life-threatening protection issue, primarily affecting women and children. Like in many other countries worldwide, gender-based violence is prevalent in Afghanistan, and often stems from power inequalities and symmetries in society

A Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experience Among University of Alberta Students

This document presents an executive summary of A Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experience Among University of Alberta Students. The purpose of this survey was to identify areas of education concerning sexual violence that should be addressed, what forms of unwanted sexual encounters U of A students have experienced, and how these experiences are affecting them.

Preventing Gender Based Violence in university_Executive summary_MORROCO

This paper presents the report of Morocco's study on gender-based violence at university, from knowledge to action towards change. This study was carried out as part of the partnership project between CAWTAR and OSF, which covers two countries: Tunisia and Morocco, and which aims to address the issue of Gender-Based Violence / GBV in the areas audiences with a focus on violence in the university space
